Our organization strives for continuous education, improvement and upgrading of professional knowledge, and development of students’ and teachers’ competencies. Rapidly changing situation in the field of modern education and society requires continuous training and education. We are aware that despite the individualization and differentiation students can be, for various reasons, overlooked or not evenly involved in the educational process. With the project, we therefore want to gain knowledge and experience to do it even better, in a different way. An inclusive school that requires individualization and differentiation, a flexible curriculum and the effective use of ICT are just some of the modern guidelines of education that we follow with the aim of a quality educational process. Our main goal of the project is to notice all the needs of students, their interests, abilities, skills and motivation, while taking care of them in the appropriate learning environment.

What we want to achieve with the project

In order to be able to keep up with the latest developments in the field of education and to face the challenge of education even more successfully, we decided on the international project Erasmus +. With it, we want to offer our employees additional professional training and education and enable them to share invaluable experience in the field of pedagogical work with their colleagues from abroad. How to further motivate students for lessons, how to improve the learning process and make it more interesting and interactive, how to equally involve all students in the learning process and to observe and recognize individual potentials in each? How to include students with special needs and specific surpluses or deficits? How to prepare appropriate adjustments for students and take them into account in class? How to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for learning and to adequately digitally describe both our teachers and students are main goals of the project to achieve.

Planned project activities

We will carry out two activities with the aim of job-shadowing and 7 different trainings abroad by participating in structured courses and training of employees. The mobilities will be followed by dissemination activities, implementing of acquired knowledge into existing practice, transferring of what has been learned to students and colleagues, and promotional activities in the local, professional and general public.

Expected results of the project

We expect that the project will have a great impact on our organization, since we will prepare some systemic changes in the field of working with students with special needs, transform the learning environment for students with disabilities and make them more stimulating. We will include innovative forms and methods of pedagogical work and encourage other co-workers to apply the modern approaches to education and teaching. We will encourage the use of ICT technology and online tools to increase students’ motivation to learn. We will expand the network of international cooperation. We expect that with international knowledge and experience we will be able to motivate our students to work more, make them digitally literate and offer them the most diverse forms of work in the classroom and make them better equipped in the field of emotional intelligence. We are confident that our teachers will be more skilled and equipped with new knowledge to educate students of modern times.



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